Iceland – Travel

September 13, 2017


On our 1st Anniversary trip we spent 1 week in the Faroe Islands and 2 weeks in Iceland. I loved both locations so much and am so glad we were able to split our time between the two. Something that I didn’t expect from Iceland was all of the people! I know Iceland is all the rage right now, but I was truly blown away. When you scroll through these images, you’ll see that I didn’t photoshop out anyone. Before going to Iceland I saw so many beautiful photos of these amazing REMOTE waterfalls. But in real life they had a parking lot out front. I totally understand the need to edit people out of images to make them look more amazing. Since these are just photos for myself and not for a client (which I would have totally edited people out of) I wanted to show Iceland with honestly.

All that to say, I still love Iceland. It’s amazing. Truly amazing. Get off the beaten path if you go! Off road a little bit and don’t have an agenda. There is beauty everywhere, you just gotta search a little to get away from people.